Multiple Options

"Era sencillamente imposible que el dado cayera en otra forma que en la que cayó, bajo las mismas cicunstancias y al mismo tiempo. Siendo las mismas causas, se produce siempre el mismo resultado. Toda ocurrencia tiene su causa y su porque. Nada ocurre sin causa o, mejor dicho, sin una cadena de causas."

Hermes Trimegistro

Porque nada es coincidencia, son simples ilusiones. Cuando alguien viene, deja algo. Por mas insignificante que sea, esta en ti ahora, nunca podrá fugarse, se quedará.

El simple contacto humano ya te contaminó aunque los efectos no son inmediatos pero hay una causa de por medio que es la razon de toda tu desgracia. O del éxtasis de esta vivencia.

No es una decision, no es consciente.


P.D.: He is saying to me: "I liked that believing that having options is just an ilusion". Listening to Sasha. Night. You can use Google Translator.

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Je suis comme une...

Hello. My name is S. and my last last name is B. I like to write a lot, draw sometimes and im looking forward to be an art designer / photographer. I felt i needed some place where to express my feelings and my art, which translates in form of clothes, pictures, scripts and rarely paintings or scuptures. Feel free to post whatever you want.

and the universe just went KA-BOOM! for me that happens every once in a while.

have you asked yourself how does it feel inside? some people just stare and life just goes by for them, and for some others that just naturally get in it, feeling that strange but motivating thing that makes them go on and on. well, im none of the above, sometimes i enjoy staring, sometimes i dont even notice that im already in it and laughing! but the most of the time im in another parallel universe.

tweetie Tweet me. --@sofiairene-- collective fashion consciousness. is an international social experiment in style. It was inspired by street fashion blogs like the Sartorialist as well as "What are you wearing today?" forum threads across the internet. --See my lookbook here--